Ahsan's Portfolio

What We are Teaching To Our Generation By Current Drama Serials


Today on the topic on which i would like to express my thoughts is really very critical, i will try not to name any drama serial, any news channel, or any specific character working in any serial. my Aim is to share my thoughts based on what i observe and what i have experienced.  The content in the article might be taken from different articles or based on my research.  so lets start…

Educational centers a considered as 2nd primary place where we are educated, and the 1st one is our Mother, our home, our Norms our society. The curriculum of spending our life is a mixture of both Places. While we are in universities we only take educational courses as our curriculum and thats all. In reality, two curriculum operate side by side. We can say this like this way, Education from School, College, universities is considered to be formal education , technical education but there is another form of education that we receive receive as lifelong education through the societal curriculum.

Therefore, the question here arises, what is this societal curriculum? It is the massive, ongoing, informal curriculum of family, peer groups, neighborhoods, religious aspects, occupations, mass media and other socializing forces that “educate” all of us throughout our lives . Apart from our home our siblings, our friends and family , one of the most important components of the societal curriculum or informal curriculum, television has received increasing scholarly attention.

Let us talk about the Role of Television that is directly or indirectly influencing our lives.

as we know, No one can deny the importance of television in terms of its effects. It has a relatively a persuasive impact on a country like Pakistan where majority of the people are illiterate. There was a time when only one channel was available to the people but with the advent of advanced technology and introduction satellite channels through dish antenna and cable television a competition has been created. This invasion from the sky’ forced the channel to glamorize its programmes specially the drama, in order to maintain the interest of the audience.

What is this Drama thing?

Dramas Are Basically one of the Representation of Our Culture

What do you think now  days the serials being published are a true Representation of Our Culture? 

If you think YES. Then please stop reading as you are going to just waste your time, if NOT, then you may be able to help me in educating the youth to save our upcoming generations. So… TV lends those dreams and desires that can hardly be fulfilled in real life. This is intensified by the portrayal of glamorous life. Our youth hankers after similar sort of glamorous life but when it sees that its dreams and wishes are going unfulfilled they become victims of frustration.

When we were attending our 5 or 6 class, we never knew what is TALAQ, AFFAIR, LOVE MARRIAGE, HALALA, SEX, ROMANCE, DRUGS, and many related topics , our mothers never told us about such things. life was so nice and easy. we were allowed to watch TV after Asar prayers, we were encouraged to see QARI Sahab 30 minute program at i guess 4.00 pm, at 9.00 Pm there was a time when all family members sit together and watch news.  on Eid there was a movie time.

but now what is being taught? our nephew, Niece, children knows all about such things, they are talking openly about drama script , like HE WILL DIVORCE HER, SHE has AFFAIR with her Brother in LAW, and i really cant elaborate more examples like that…. so is this what we are teaching to our children

And many more… but we will never accept the reality  and we will just ignore this side of story . we have no idea what kind of long term impact is going to be on our youth.

One of the major reason of major conflicts in our homes is this issue, we are indirectly being taught that how to spoil our culture, our norms, our values. i assure you if you start reciting one hadees, one ayat with translation and share it with your peers, family members. believe in me you will have a new way of spending your life.


Let us pray to Allah (S.W.T.) to give hidayah to all of us.  May we take these messages back to our homes and share these truths with people.  May we stop our Statnic marketing products and cease being workers for Satan.  Let us tell the truth and the whole truth to everyone around the globe.  Ameen!


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