Are you Worried about Job & Earnings?

The Holy Prophet PBUH is also noted to have said, “Surah Al Waiqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children.”

With so much evidence available in Islamic written literature. There must be some reason Surah Waqiah is renowned for its benefits. And in case you’re wondering just what they may be, we have outlined the benefits below for your utmost convenience.


The world we live in today is full of tension, stress and worry. And believe it or not, many or most of our troubles are related to financial instability. Whether it’s lack of jobs, lack of funding from government institutions or simply the inability to provide your loved ones with basic necessities of adequate food, clothing or shelter, the list of financial struggles are truly endless.

Surah Waqiah is a blessing for the entire Muslim Ummah. This is because this surah has been known to provide an array of worldly benefits for good earning. All Muslim believers are instructed to keep this Surah close to their hearts if they wish to attain the numerous numbers of advantages from its greatness. The surah has been known to provide good means of attaining financial stability for those who wish to seek the lawful earnings and bounty from their Lord ALLAH.

The Holy Prophet PBUH, as mentioned previously has declared. Surah Waqiah as providing great protection against. A bundle load of destitution while serving as a huge bag or riches or wealth.

Virtues of Surah Waqiah
Surah Waqiah is a Surah that has all the worldly benefits that we earn for. It is also known as Surah of wealth. We are required to make it an essential part of our lives keep it close to our heart.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH declared it as a complete protection against destitution and a big source of riches and wealth. The beloved Messenger of Almighty Allah said about the Benefits Of Reading Surah Waqiah:

The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Surah al Waqiah is the Surah of wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children’[Ibn Asakir]

Remember in prayers 🙂

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